Nutritional Supplements

Two charts of ingredients and amounts of those ingredients needed per day are shown, one for dietary supplements and the other for foods. Both are for the United States markets.

Get Insider Knowledge with Supplement and Nutrition Facts Panels

Discover what you can learn from reading these handy shortcuts! It’s fairly common for a male high school athlete to come and see me with a long list of dietary supplements he’s consuming. Somewhere in his description of his training and eating habits he’ll mention that he doesn’t sleep very well. Or his pre-workout gives […]

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Female athlete stretching , blood vessel with RBC's

Iron Absorption is Essential for Maximizing Your Energy Levels!

Contemporary Thinking and Recommendations for Iron Regulation and Absorption in Athletes  Written by Dietetic Intern Stacy Hruzek Iron regulation and absorption play important roles in maintaining optimal iron status in athletes, particularly female athletes. Iron is an essential micronutrient that is involved in oxygen transport, energy metabolism, and immune system function. However, iron deficiency is

Iron Absorption is Essential for Maximizing Your Energy Levels! Read More »

A photo of a green drink with spinach, celery and cucumbers around the bottom and text offering more information on the pros and cons of real fruits and veggies compared to mixed greens powder.

Mixed greens powder vs. fresh fruits and vegetables: which one is better?

By Carly Eustice, intern Vvitamins and minerals are essential to our bodies’ ability to function but it can be a challenge to meet our daily requirements. Vitamins and minerals aid in immune health, wound and injury healing, hormone regulation, bone health, and many more functions, so it is beneficial to our health that we intake

Mixed greens powder vs. fresh fruits and vegetables: which one is better? Read More »

A stack of dark chocolate bars sit in a pile of cocoa and chocolate shavings. Text indicates that athletes can safely consume chocolate and cocoa powder and still perform.

Chocolate and Cocoa Powder: Athlete Super Foods for Better Performance

Add in the right types of chocolate to sprint faster, play longer, and recognize opponent actions faster. AKA: eat chocolate, win more! Yum, chocolate! It’s unusual to find someone who does NOT like chocolate in some form. It’s delicious, comes in a variety of intensities from mild and sweet to dark and rich, and is

Chocolate and Cocoa Powder: Athlete Super Foods for Better Performance Read More »

Supplement spotlight on Creatine that includes a description and shows a women drinking a Creatine supplement.

Supplement Spotlight: Break Through with Creatine

Creatine is a useful supplement for building muscle and quick burst of energy By: Michael Shadowen What is Creatine? Creatine is one of the body’s natural sources of energy for muscle contraction. Half of our stores comes from diet and the other half comes from the liver, kidneys and then delivered to the skeletal muscles

Supplement Spotlight: Break Through with Creatine Read More »