Nutrition Coaching & Team Services
Nutrition HeartBeat offers nutrition services for dedicated individual athletes, student-athletes with committed parents, and teams with engaged coaches.

Parents, Dr. Schubert’s got your back. This service is designed to get everyone on the same page when it comes to eating and drinking for sports performance. You know what you need to provide and when, and your young athletes know how to eat and drink around workouts.
Medical Concerns:
Dr. Schubert is trained in medical nutrition therapy and capable of working with post-bariatric surgery athletes, food allergies, Type 1 diabetes, a wide variety of GI issues (nausea, bloating, diarrhea), concussions, stress fractures and more!

Nutrition Coaching:
Discover ways to be a better you! This is a custom program for you, your sport, and your goals. You, the athlete who lives your life, are in charge. Dr. Schubert provides motivation and accountability as the nutrition coach, but you get to discover who you are, define your goals, and dream the big dreams.

Endurance Race Day Plans:
Well, you put money down for that race. Now, what do you do? You get professional, expert help in planning a strategy for a race day that will leave you smiling at the finish line!

Making Weight for Martial Arts:
Hey, you’ve tried to make weight before but, uh, it didn’t go well. You missed the cutoff or had side effects from laxatives or were so exhausted from crash dieting that you couldn’t train. It doesn’t have to be like this! Learn actual strategies used by pro martial arts fighters that work.