Free Resources from Nutrition HeartBeat
Eat well to perform well. Not sure how to take that on the road or have grab-and-go options at home? Check out this comprehensive snack list for ideas!
Great for athletes or parents in any sport who:
- Are tired of feeling tired
- Feel like they aren’t recovering after workouts
- Are always hungry
- Don’t or can’t cook
- Are short on time
This FREE Snack List provides options for:
- The gym bag, desk, car, or purse
- A cooler for long days away from home
- The fridge, for after long, hard training sessions near home
Who’s it by?
Laurie Schubert, PhD CSSD RD LDN. See more about Dr. Schubert!

This is for athletes who are constantly dehydrated or always thirsty – especially when it’s hot. It’s for those who fall apart at the end of training in hot summer weather and for those who are unsure about how much salt to consume when sweating a lot.
This Sweat Test Infographic is for you!
- Step-by-step instructions for doing a sweat test
- Calculations for determining your needs
- Works for almost every sport, provided you can weigh before and after in the same dry conditions
- Solid evidence about how much sweat you lose – and how much you should drink!
Who is this for?
- Athletes with a history of dehydration
- Athletes who train outside OR who train inside but still have low energy, cramping or just feel that they sweat more than their peers
- Athletes who cramp early and often
- Athletes who finish a hot workout with white salt streaks on their clothes and skin
- Parents of teen athletes who are concerned that their athlete’s fluid consumption isn’t keeping pace with their changing needs across adolescence
Who’s it by?
Laurie Schubert, PhD CSSD RD LDN. See more about Dr. Schubert!