Beans are Amazing!

Beans have so many benefits!  But they can cause gas.

Why do I get so much gas when I eat beans?

Here are 3 benefits to using beans (one of several types of legumes):

  1. High in fiber and antioxidants
  2. Fit into almost every culture’s foods
  3. Easy to cook
Beans are powerhouses of sports nutrition.
Beans are fast, easy and absolute super stars when it comes to nutrition. Add some to your meals today and every day!

Beans are ridiculously good for you.

They help manage blood glucose by lowering it at the meal in which the beans are consumed AND the next meal. They are very high in fiber, improving gut health and regularity. The colored skins of beans contain antioxidants just like red and black fruits. Beans are used in almost every culture and they mix well with grains to provide complete protein.

They come in several forms.

Beans are a quick and easy way to try a variety of flavors and recipes for every meal. And they are a great source of fiber!

Legumes that AREN’T beans

Besides beans, also consider other legumes like lentils, chick peas/garbanzo beans, and soy beans. Consume soy in a variety of other products like tofu, tempeh and milk.

Other benefits

Beans and whole grains fit together well to provide complete protein, as in together they provide enough of all 20 amino acids. With any variation of this combination, you can make any protein your body needs to make!

If you have more questions, please contact me! If you need help figuring out how to add beans into your fueling plan, check out my services.  They are specifically designed to help you solve these sorts of problems! For other sources of fiber, check out these posts on apples, berries and greens! And yes, greens are better than greens powders. If you’re a vegetarian athlete, here are some tips on doing well to support your performance.




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