
Here are a few heartfelt words from happy athletes, clients, and colleagues.

From a Finisher at Ironman Coeur D’Alene, 2021:

Hi Laurie,
I just wanted to take a minute and thank you for your expertise and advice related to my hydration and nutrition for IMCDA. There is no way I would have finished w/out this solid plan. As you may have heard, there was a 26-27% DNF rate, the highest in IM history. I feel so fortunate! Anyway, the plan was spot-on and I’m very grateful!

– LC, 3x Ironman Finisher and Triathlon Coach with Experience Triathlon

From a fellow athlete and colleague:

I’ve had both the pleasure and the honor to work with Laurie over the last seven years both from a personal level and a professional level when coaching my athletes. I’ve come to trust and appreciate the knowledge she has in fueling the human body and the pressures put on it both in everyday life and especially during exercise and racing. To say I completely count on Laurie for both myself and my athletes would be an understatement; Laurie has personally counseled us through many challenges. We couldn’t have performed at the level we do without Laurie’s knowledge and support.

– JR, Athlete and Triathlon Coach with Experience Triathlon

From a collegiate softball player recovering from ACL surgery:

I did what you said and my knee stopped hurting!  I started eating breakfast, getting protein in every meal.  I added in a lot of colorful foods.  And now, when I train and rehab, I don’t have pain.  

– LD, collegiate softball player after ACL surgery

From a collegiate track runner with acknowledged “food issues”:

Laurie helped me add protein and iron foods into my meals.  I never knew that I liked berries before, either.  She was willing to work with both me and my roommate, and she was really not pushy or threatening or overwhelming at all.  My ATC says my stress fracture is starting to heal and I’m anticipating running without pain in the near future!  Thanks, Laurie!  

– A. N., DIII 800m and 1500m specialist

From a pain-free and very successful Ironman finisher:

FYI, my nutrition plan went perfectly! Not one upset stomach or bout of nausea or anything.  I followed the morning plan and bike plan to a T.  I finished in EXCELLENT shape and was able to eat a roast beef sandwich and chips almost right away.  Geez, between you and Joe I cannot believe how good I feel after an Ironman.  I feel better than after all my training days and any marathon I have ever run!  Wow!  Not only do you help get nutrition down so you can finish the race, but it CLEARLY makes the day after a much more enjoyable experience!  Thanks again!!

 – WH, post IM Louisville

From a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu competitor who needed to gain muscle and not fat:

I wanted to move up a weight class. Dr. Schubert gave me the tools to gain weight effectively and with minimal risk. She also helped me solve some problems with my cooking, which I really needed!  Anyway, I both moved up a weight class, and with a new personal trainer, have both more muscles and better core strength. Can’t wait until my next match!

– T. L., BJJ competitor

From a wide receiver rehabing after a knee injury:

I had damaged my knee in a hard tackle on the field and the resulting surgery and rehab left me with a smaller muscle mass on the right leg than the left.  Laurie helped me eat so I could rebuild without losing muscle anywhere else on my body or gaining body fat. I was at risk of losing my position on the team, but not any more! – Frank S., Wide Receiver

From a competitive age group runner who suffered from diarrhea every morning for months:

I had never heard of FODMAPs until I found Dr. Laurie. She helped me figure out what I was eating that was causing me all manner of intestinal issues – and forcing me to miss my workouts!  I was not earning the CARA points I knew I could get because I was so wiped out from my diarrhea.  After a short time on a restricted menu, I learned that a particular fruit was the source of my problems.  I cut out that fruit (fresh, dried, juice) and I have no issues!  – M. F., Runner

From a gentleman who wanted more muscle definition:

I hated the way I looked in my bathing suit. Not any more!  

– Anonymous, Recreational Athlete

From a satisfied coach after taking advantage of the RD on Retainer:

I found this service to be unique among sports dietitians and absolutely beneficial to my team.  I had Dr. Schubert in for some team talks, but I noticed that off-topic questions kept popping up. When I retained her for regular visits, my athletes and their parents were able to get what they needed and wanted. 

– P. deJ., Coach, Hockey ’02s, ’03s, ’04s

From a DIII cross country runner:

My school dining hall is often closed when I need to eat for a morning practice.  Dr. Schubert helped me figure out foods that I could keep in my room that wouldn’t go bad and that I could either eat straight or cook in my little microwave.  My morning training runs were definitely stronger after our meeting!

– Z.L, Cross country runner

From a frustrated triathlete, tired of his headaches:

I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciated our talk and your advice. It seems to have really helped. Not all at once, but over the course of the past week and a half or so since we talked and having reintroduced carbohydrates at the right times, my headaches have slowly gotten less frequent and less severe to the point where yesterday and the day before I didn’t have any headaches at all!

– J.P. Half Ironman distance triathlete

From Chris Haaff, a long time friend and client

Posted with his consent, May 2019.

“Today’s “Ironman Chattanooga 70.3 Thank You” goes to Dr. Laurie Schubert, the team nutrition expert for Experience Triathlon. At my 3rd-ever indoor triathlon in winter 2014, Laurie was in charge of the swim area at that tri. I was an abysmal swimmer. At one point during that swim, she yelled at me, “GET AND KEEP YOUR HEAD DOWN!” More than five years later, Laurie and I still laugh about our first meeting. I have replayed it in my mind numerous times during my bad swim moments … including one I had early at Chatta on Sunday.

In the past five years Laurie has watched my weight go up and down, and seen my speeds improve and regress. She has always been extremely helpful when I have needed it. She made suggestions for race preparations and race-day nutrition and hydration that got me through “Revenge at Racine in 17”, Chatta 70.3 this year, and other races. On a hot Sunday in Tennessee and Georgia, how to stay hydrated for maximum performance was one of many tips of hers that I followed. You may be surprised by how many people mess that up.

If you do any type of long-distance endurance training or events, you should consult an expert in nutrition. If you are in or around Chicago, I cannot recommend Laurie highly enough.

(This note added by Facebook Super Spy Mark Zuckerberg: Immediately after Chris and Laurie took this photo a few weeks ago, they totally devoured all of the pastries in the background.)”

Chris and Laurie after a successful race planning meeting.

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