Do you have questions about staying hydrated as the temperatures cool? Find your answers here!
I get a lot of questions on hydration, usually in the summer when it’s hot and the effects of dehydration are obvious. Now the temperature is dropping and we’re not dripping with sweat every time we walk out the door. Do you still need to drink? Of course.
Hydration is important all year, so here are answers to those questions I always get about fall hydration.
It’s cooler, do you still have to drink?
- You probably won’t need to drink as much fluid, depending on what kind of workout you’re doing, but you’ll still be sweating.
- Some of that sweat rate will be dependent on how well you choose your clothing, especially if you’re exercising outside.
What should you have to drink?
- In general, throughout the day: water.
- Before exercise: water.
- During exercise over 60-90 minutes, sports drink.
- After exercise: water or more sports drink, depending on your body composition and performance goals.
How much should you drink?
Stay hydrated in cool fall weather by carrying water. Don’t forget to rehydrate after your workouts, too! - That’s a personal question. It depends on your sweat rate, the intensity of your exercise, temperature, humidity, solar radiation, wind…The hotter it is and the longer or harder you go, the more you’ll need to drink. The cooler it is and the shorter and easier you exercise, the less you’ll need to drink.
- If you have sweat test data, that can help you pinpoint your needs. If you don’t, make sure you start training hydrated and rehydrate after.
- Fall temperatures can fluctuate wildly from day to day, so the volume of fluid you need to drink today might be very different from what you needed yesterday and what you’ll need tomorrow.
What should you be drinking?
- Focus on water – it’s an essential nutrient. At least half of your daily fluid intake should be water. The rest can come from other foods and beverages.
Ugh, I don’t like water!
- Yeah, well, it’s an essential nutrient. You can make it into tea or coffee (your choice on caffeine, especially if you’re using it for performance benefits).
- Have some brothy soup instead.
- Fruits and veggies also contain a lot of water. Junk food does not.
How do you know if you’re hydrated?
- First, check the color of your first morning urine. It should be pale yellow and clear. If it’s dark or cloudy, you didn’t drink enough the day before.
- Second, you should be drinking regularly throughout the day, even when you’re not exercising. Carry a water bottle.
- Third, learn to know what hydrated and dehydrated feels like for YOU. How often do you urinate when you’re hydrated? How do you feel when you’re dehydrated?
How do you start your day off hydrated?
- Have a glass of water first thing in the morning to rehydrate after sleeping.
- Rehydrate after workouts, especially late-day and evening sessions. This will help get you back to normal before you head to bed.
Do you have a question that I didn’t answer? If so, contact me here and ask your question!
Curious how fall hydration differs from winter hydration? Check out my blog on winter hydration to compare.