Nutritional Supplements

A man pours a sports drink over his mouth and chin while standing in the sun on grass.

What are the Best Sodium Sources without Sugar for Athletes?

Tired of that sickly sweet taste that builds up after drinking many sports drinks? You’re not alone! Sometimes you just need other sodium sources so you can switch up those drinks and live to train another day. A couple of weeks ago I had a triathlon coach ask for recommendations on sodium sources for an […]

What are the Best Sodium Sources without Sugar for Athletes? Read More »

Drinking a sports drink like Gatorade will depend on the training session, food and fluid consumed before a workout and how the athlete feels going into the workout, as well as environmental conditions.

Perform Better with the Best Sports Drink for You!

There are dozens of options! How do you know which one to try?! What is a sports drink? TLDR: A sports drink is designed to be consumed during exercise lasting 90 minutes or longer. Anything up to 60-75 minutes and you’re probably good with water. The only caveats here are if you’re hungry going into

Perform Better with the Best Sports Drink for You! Read More »

Add foods high in magnesium into your diet such as nuts and seeds, leafy green vegetables and dark chocolate and cocoa powder.

Magnificent Magnesium: Train Harder, Perform Better!

Magnesium can make or break an athlete’s ability to train. Not having enough magnesium can limit the ability to use energy, recover after a workout, and impact hydration needs. Not into sluggish workouts or muscle cramps? Don’t let them happen to you. Read on for how to avoid these common problems! Magnesium Uses in the

Magnificent Magnesium: Train Harder, Perform Better! Read More »

Non-animal based foods like beans and whole grains don’t often have high levels of iron, leading to anemia in vegan athletes. Pick vegan foods with higher levels of iron to stay health and competitive in sport.

Iron sources for vegetarian and vegan athletes

Iron isn’t well absorbed from plant sources, so it’s important for vegan and vegetarian athletes to frequently include foods in their menu that are higher in iron to meet their high iron needs.  TL;DR: Vegan athletes are often low in iron, as it’s best absorbed from animal sources. Check out the list below for high(er)

Iron sources for vegetarian and vegan athletes Read More »

Description of caffeine and it's effect on athletic performance

How To Optimize Your Athletic Performance With Caffeine

Learn about the benefits and downfalls of consuming caffeine, and how it may help or hurt your athletic training. By: Hailey Tylisz Caffeine is a natural central nervous system stimulant found in tea, coffee, nuts, seeds, cacao, and other botanical sources. It is also added to many popular drinks, foods, and supplements, such as soda,

How To Optimize Your Athletic Performance With Caffeine Read More »