Sports Nutrition

Drinking a sports drink like Gatorade will depend on the training session, food and fluid consumed before a workout and how the athlete feels going into the workout, as well as environmental conditions.

Perform Better with the Best Sports Drink for You!

There are dozens of options! How do you know which one to try?! What is a sports drink? TLDR: A sports drink is designed to be consumed during exercise lasting 90 minutes or longer. Anything up to 60-75 minutes and you’re probably good with water. The only caveats here are if you’re hungry going into […]

Perform Better with the Best Sports Drink for You! Read More »

A graph with multiple types of sports listed down the left and increasing numbers of yams as one goes from basic needs to ultra-endurance sports.

Athletes, Boost your Training with The Right Carbohydrates at the Right Time

Learn what carbohydrates to eat, when and why to take your game to the next level! It’s extremely common for athletes to come to me with issues of general fatigue, low energy on tough workouts, poor recovery from training, and general confusion about what to eat when. The biggest area of confusion is usually around

Athletes, Boost your Training with The Right Carbohydrates at the Right Time Read More »

Non-animal based foods like beans and whole grains don’t often have high levels of iron, leading to anemia in vegan athletes. Pick vegan foods with higher levels of iron to stay health and competitive in sport.

Iron sources for vegetarian and vegan athletes

Iron isn’t well absorbed from plant sources, so it’s important for vegan and vegetarian athletes to frequently include foods in their menu that are higher in iron to meet their high iron needs.  TL;DR: Vegan athletes are often low in iron, as it’s best absorbed from animal sources. Check out the list below for high(er)

Iron sources for vegetarian and vegan athletes Read More »

Several sources of protein shown along with the title of the blog: protein needs during weight loss for athletes.

Protein and Weight Loss: How much protein do you need to retain muscle and lose body fat? 

Get enough protein at the right times to change your body composition for the better!  Athletes spend years striving for the right body composition for their sport. They often do additional agility or speed or mobility work, they lift weights, and then… something happens. Their diet isn’t optimal or they get injured or they move into

Protein and Weight Loss: How much protein do you need to retain muscle and lose body fat?  Read More »

mostly naked man sits on snow by water.

Maximize Your Hydration for Winter Sports

Dehydration can impact your training in winter, just like in warmer temps! It’s January, you’ve got some training to do, and it’s a gorgeous winter day. You opt to train outside to enjoy the brief sunshine before the early sunset. Later you discover that you’re dehydrated! How did this happen?! Read on to find out

Maximize Your Hydration for Winter Sports Read More »