Understanding our process will improve your experience and we’ll be more successful in our time together!
Curious about how I get from a phone call to a list of sport-specific guidelines and some meal recommendations? Here’s an overview of the Nutrition HeartBeat process for working with a new athlete as well as a list of frequently asked questions.
The magic process that leads to triumph:
You view the Nutrition HeartBeat website and make contact via the contact form.
We have a 15 minute Discovery Call where we consider a working relationship.
You describe what you’re looking for, I detail how I can address your needs. If either of us thinks working together isn’t in the cards, we part amicably. If all is good on both sides, we determine what package of services would work best to address those needs. We set up a time, date and modality (in person, phone, telehealth/videochat) for our first meeting and agree on a payment schedule.
I send my nutrition history questionnaire and a contract via Healthie.
The nutrition history questionnaire provides basic information on your medical history and eating patterns (daily and around exercise) before we meet. The contract details the above package of services, payment information and schedule, and roles and responsibilities for both me and you.
You sign/e-sign the contract, fill out the questionnaire, and provide payment information.
Before we meet, I view your information and goals and outline the necessary nutritional guidelines to achieve your goals.
What are your goals? Have to start there, because that’s just good customer service. I fill in the nutrition information (yes, you need to eat your vegetables) and related sports nutrition information (hydration strategies, travel tips). is there anything else that I need to know? I make a list of questions to ask and items to clarify.
Our first meeting: Guidelines for achieving your goals are presented.
We develop a plan based on my guidelines and your preferences, schedule, budget and skills. We set goals for our next meeting.
I make notes based on those goals and record any additional information relevant to your needs stated during our meeting.
Based on the package of services purchased, we meet additional times.
Prior to our meeting I review my previous notes and the status of your goals. Each meeting begins with reviewing your progress to your goals since the previous meeting. Then we address developing issues and get questions answered. After our meeting I make additional notes and update the status of your goals.
At the end of the full package, I send a feedback form.
I love constructive criticism, questions and testimonials!

Nutrition HeartBeat FAQs
Have you worked with any big name athletes? Who were they??
I can’t tell you that. I’m a medical professional, so names and issues are confidential. I take my HIPAA requirements seriously. Also, if they were really big names, I’d have to have agreement from the athlete and their reps to mention them. If you are a big name, I would be happy to both work with you and keep our interactions private. I’m also happy to discuss my record keeping policies and procedures with you.
Will you just give me a menu?
No. That puts the responsibility for change on me. You’re the one who wants to change. I’ll tell you what that menu should include and we’ll build one together! Sorry I’m not sorry about the extra work… 😉
“But I need an example!” Okay, I might provide an example. If you want it to be personalized, there is an additional fee. Those menus are time consuming to build.
Why do I have to pay up front?
Because I’m an expert, a fully credentialed medical professional, and I deserve to get paid at a level equal to my education and experience. I know everyone eats, but that makes everyone an expert in what they like, not in sports nutrition.
And because I’ve been burned too many times by people not paying their bill. Talk to your fellow athletes about that one…
Why does it look like your hourly rate is so high?
Because my packages include payment for time I spend working on your goals without you: reviewing your eating, shopping and cooking patterns and access, thinking about your sport-specific needs (goals, season, competition timelines) and medical needs (allergies, medications, side effects) and making notes so that I am ready to go for each successive meeting. I might also have to make up handouts, find resources or do research in the medical literature to get you the information you need. And I’m an expert and I deserve to get paid.
Also, these rates weren’t set arbitrarily. In assessing private practice sports nutrition fees in major metropolitan areas around the country, fees range from $125-$200/hour. Nutrition HeartBeat’s fees are in the middle of this range.
Who do you work with?
- Nutrition HeartBeat will work with any sport that can be found in Chicagoland. Just don’t ask about the alpine sports other than cross-country skiing and ski jumping. We’re flatlanders around these parts.
- Athletes
- Some athletes have big goals (doing an Ironman, making weight, staying on a competitive team)
- Others have had issues (GI distress, dehydration, cramping, huge loss of energy at the end of a game or race, anemia, disordered eating)
- A few are missing something in the logistics of training and racing (recovery meals, getting enough protein, incomplete travel planning)
- Parents
- I work with parents who have child or teen athletes that want to move up a level (bigger, faster, stronger, more elite team, college scholarship). Or maybe those athletes have issues as in the above answer.
- Coaches
- Coaches often understand the value of nutrition in sports performance but they don’t have the expertise to provide advice. I provide education for the coaches so they can answer those questions and then serve as a resource for them going forward.
- Teams
- And I work with teams, both team members and parents if needed, providing education and answering questions for coaches and team members.
Why do your packages have a time frame?
Some goals have a natural end point, such as a race, tournament or competition.
Some packages have a time limit to help keep us on track. Weight loss, for instance, works better with frequent contact so long breaks between contact leads to loss of momentum on your part and less efficient actions on my end.
I am willing to work around holidays, vacations, work trips and other pre-set travel and competition plans as needed so long as they’re noted up front.
What’s your favorite diet?
The one that works for you that you can stick to.
I don’t care if you’re on a vegan, vegetarian, carnivore, Paleo, keto, whatever diet so long as you meet your needs. I can work with it and ensure that you’re getting all your nutrients. You just might not like what I tell you.
What supplements do you recommend?
- Ones that you actually need to fight a deficiency, like iron for anemia.
- Ones that actually work, which is a pretty short list. Will I approve any and all items you are taking? Probably not!
- Ones with third party testing. Check out our blog on that here.
- That’s it. If it doesn’t work, it doesn’t have third party testing and you don’t need it, don’t waste your money!
You don’t know everything about my sport? Why not?!
There are close to 100 sports available in Chicagoland, and some have multiple subtypes (think karate) and dozens of positions (think football). Add in the different variants for youth, high school, travel teams, rec leagues, college, semi-pro, and pro in terms of distances or time on the field, practice schedules, travel needs, and positional specialization. I have a good grasp of the most common sports, their positions/distances, seasons and schedules. But there’s no way I can be on top of ALL of the details for ALL of the sports.
Do you exercise?
Yes. I run, swim, and lift weights several times a week. I’m not fast, but I know enough to avoid dehydration! I recently took up jujitsu, which has been a huge change. It’s been a slow learning curve trying to keep track of 8 limbs instead of just moving forward. I also enjoy cross country skiing and white-water kayaking.
Did this answer your questions? Pique your interest? If so, sign up for a Discovery Call or shoot me an email and we’ll connect!
If you’re curious, read more about my credentials. Here are the services on offer.