
Supplement bottle with label written in French proclaiming that the bottle contains Vitamin D.

Vitamin D: Perform better, be stronger, improve mood!

This pro-hormone and essential nutrient doesn’t just regulate bone density any more! How does Vitamin D work? The “classical” actions of vitamin D were discovered and fleshed out between about 1918 and the late 1960s. This “vitamin” is actually a steroid pro-hormone derived from the cholesterol molecule after irradiation with…

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Neon lights that say “Habits to be Made” in green.

Master Your Habits for Better Sports Performance

Make your habits the best to get the best results! What is a habit? A habit is “when someone is effective in maintain behaviors that have become habitual and are supported by automatic responses to relevant cues.”1 In other words, habits are an ingrained behavior pattern that requires no thought on…

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A person dropping a scoop of protein powder into a bottle to mix up and drink.

Leucine: Perform better and maximize your muscle through diet!

It’s important to get leucine in every meal. What is leucine? Leucine is an amino acid, one of 20 building blocks that commonly show up in human protein structures. It is also one of nine essential amino acids (EAA), in that we can’t make it in our body and so…

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A graphic of a takeout coffee cup with text saying “optimize your peppermint mocha” on a background of red and green stripes.

Build A Better Peppermint Mocha!

Design one that tastes delicious and will meet your athletic goals. Many coffee shops have sumptuous seasonal drinks, such as the peppermint mocha, designed to tempt the tongue with strong flavors and plenty of holiday sweetness. But they don’t really support either health or performance. How do you adapt them…

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Hot beverages made with coffee or espresso can help an athlete recover after a workout if chosen with care.

Coffee Recovery Drinks: Can You Make that Latte Better?

Design a coffee recovery drink to meet your athletic goals! Coffee shops today have a broad selection of coffee, espresso, tea, and iced drinks. Which of them are useful for athletes looking for some recovery? And how do you build your best coffee recovery drink?  What do you need in…

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Dairy milk, nut milks, and grain and bean milks like soy have different properties that affect sports performance in multiple ways.

How Does Your Milk Compare?

Make the best milk choices for you! Well, every time I think we’ve reached saturation in the dairy aisle, a new type of plant milk shows up. Let’s take a look at this comparison chart and discuss some important points in terms of nutrients. Values come from in January…

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