Find the latest on sports nutrition topics related to performance, supplements, body composition, body image, hydration and a variety of foods!
Holiday Meals: Strategies for Thanksgiving
How to deal with the big holiday meals, the food choices and those family members that can’t help but comment on your plate. People, it’s holiday season and you know what that means! Food. Food everywhere, all the time. How do you handle holiday meals in such a way that…
Fast Food For Athletes on the Go!
Check out these fast food strategies to keep you performing at the top of your game! You’re out on the road, heading to a game, and you’re starving. How about some fast food? You have to eat so you’re prepared for your game, but there are so very many choices…
Body Heat Loss: Four Ways to Stay Cool
Why does that cold bottle of water feel so amazing after a blazing summer workout? You’re hot, the water and bottle are cold. Simple, right? Turns out there are four methods for body heat loss: radiation, conduction, convection and evaporation. Radiation Radiation is the emission of electromagnetic heat waves, in…
Pros and Cons of Probiotics for the Athlete
Will probiotics improve performance, impact immune function, or enhance overall health of the athlete? By Katie Lamps As an athlete, you are probably always looking for changes you can make to help improve performance and prevent illness and injury. Nutrition plays an integral role in each of these areas, which…
Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S)
How It Can Impact Athlete Performance and Health As an athlete, you are probably always looking for ways to improve your performance, meet your exercise goals, and avoid injury. Frequently, athletes attempt to do this by making changes to their dietary intake and/or training schedule. However, if done incorrectly, you…
Hydration: Environmental Factors that Influence Sweat Rate
Plan your hydration around these variables for a better race, match, meet or training session. The goal of sweating is to get water to evaporate from your skin, causing cooling. There are four environmental factors that influence your sweat rate: temperature, humidity, solar radiation and wind. Learn how they impact…